Tuesday 3rd December, 2024 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Objectives of the webinar
In this webinar we will cover the following points:
- Overview of the EOSC-EU node
- Presentation of the HEAnet position paper on Ireland’s contribution to the EOSC Federation. It outlines a plan and activities necessary for Ireland to support Open Science and contribute to the EOSC Federation. We note it is, for now, a HEAnet view and your input is needed to develop a national view/position.
- Outline and start the process of evolving the paper from a “HEAnet position paper” to a “national position paper” with associated actions.
At the end of 2023, at the 1st NORF festival, the EC’s planning for the very first EOSC Node of the EOSC federation, called the EOSC-EU Node was presented. This would offer the basic elements of services and infrastructure to support the “web of FAIR data”, along with complementary resources such as storage, compute.
At that meeting, HEAnet was asked by DFHERIS to outline what does Ireland need to do to contribute to the federation. HEAnet, with input from a few other stakeholders, has developed a position paper outlining a proposed plan for Ireland on how to contribute to the EOSC Federation and at the same time ensure that Ireland avails of services and resources to enable Open Science within Ireland, independently of EOSC.
The EOSC EU node was officially launched on 21st
October 2024 and is now live. It can be accessed here though the IT service department of your institute may need to make changes to its Identity Management System to enable you to log into it using your institute credentials.
Preparation for the webinar
In advance of the meeting, we invite you to read the position paper and to view the recording of the EOSC-EU node launch, as it will explain better than any words or presentation what the EOSC EU Node offers, and will help frame the discussion of our webinar and the next steps.